Somatic Integration

Do you feel disconnected from your True Self? Are past traumas keeping you from fully investing in your present moment and relationships? Do old patterns keep dragging you into confrontations you try to avoid? Do you have trouble resolving mixed emotions about people you love, or lifestyles you are committed to?

Allow me to reintroduce you to your nervous system, and a new, expansive way to relate to your body, inner Self, and other people.

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Psychedelic Integration

Are you wondering if psychedelics or plant medicine are right for your personal growth? Looking to better integrate a powerful peak experience, or preparing for an upcoming journey?

Let me help you be your travel advisor in both your preparations, and your return voyage back.

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Creative Individuation

Have you been summoned to The Hero’s Journey? Do you dream lucidly? Does Synchronicity happen to you frequently, and your intuition guides you powerfully? Would you like to go down the rabbit hole that Herman Hesse, Paulo Coelho, and George Lucas went down to help birth their most visionary works of fiction?

Let me show you how archetypes, the Collective Unconscious, and somatic “active imagination” can bring wholeness and meaning to your life’s story.

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